7 Exceptional Ideas of Video Marketing For Enamel Pins

Written by Robin Brown on June 5, 2021
1. Are You Aware That Video Marketing Has Increased By 6% Since 2018?
2. More Than 75% of Global Mobile Data Traffic Will Be Video In 2020
3. Facebook Videos Get an Average of More Than 8 Billion Views Per Day
4. YouTube Videos Accumulate 5 Million Views Every Day
5. As Reported by Forrester, 60 Seconds of Video Makes 1.8m Words
6. 50% Of Businesspersons Are Switching to Digital Video From TV
7. In 2018, 92% of Video Consumers Shared Videos with Others

Image Source: Valoso.com

Benefits of Video Marketing for Enamel Pins

Customers are Watching Videos more than ever

Image Source: Crewmachine.com
Video content is the future of the internet. As a result, online video consumption is increasing and becoming a preferred method to consume content. 

According to Techjury, 66% of people reported that video is their preferred source of information. In addition, people spend approximately 6 hours and 48 minutes per week watching videos online. 

For Businesses, this has translated into 93% of businesses gain new customers using video marketing. 

Video Content Is More Engaging 

Video content is more engaging than traditional text content. Studies show that people can remember up to 95% of information from a video but only around 10% with text. 

If you want your customers to remember your brand, videos marketing is more effective than text or images. 

Customers are more likely to engage with a website or content if it contains videos. According to IdeaRocket, users spend nearly 90% more time on a website if it has a video. Video marketing also generates more than 1,200% more shares than text and image marketing combined. 

Video marketing is more likely to keep your customers engaged, and as a result, they are more likely to remember your brand.    

Allows you to make connections in different ways 

Compared to text and image marketing, video marketing allows you to connect with people easier and in different ways. 

A video can take on different tones depending on its goal or the targeted audience. For example, video marketing can be humorous, educational, heartwarming, motivational, or inspiring. 

It is greatly beneficial because you can target specific audiences depending on what type of video they are more likely to engage with. 

For example, if your enamel pins support a cause or organization, creating heartwarming and inspirational videos can help you engage with customers. 

On the other hand, creating humorous videos to go along with comedic or funny enamel pins can enhance their effect and make them more appealing. 

Types of Video Marketing for Enamel Pins 

Informational / How-To Videos 

Product Review Video 

A product review video’s main goal is to highlight the benefits of your product. It’s also intended to compare your product to competitors and show how it’s better than the competition.This is a great way to give people an inside look at your products, how they feel and look in real life, and what it’s like to own your enamel pins. 

Promotional Video / Advertisement Video 

Image Source: Animoto.com
A common video marketing technique is to create promotional or advertisement videos. These are typically similar to product review videos but in a more professional and schematic nature. 

These videos will often highlight the low prices, current deals, or benefits of the product. An advertisement video aims to drive sales and make your customer+++++s remember and trust your brand. 

These advertisement videos should target new and returning customers alike.  

Other Video Marketing Ideas you can use. 

There are countless video marketing ideas that you can implement for your enamel pin business. The option you decide on using will depend on your goal and the message you want to convey. 

Below are some additional video marketing ideas you can consider: 

●Explainer Video
●Interview Video 
●Animated Video 
●Video from photographs 
●Live video 
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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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