5 Ways to Sell Enamel Pins Through Instagram That Actually Work

Written by Robin Brown on May 2, 2021
Selling enamel pins online is one of the best low-cost business ideas to undertake in 2019. However, entrepreneurs are not likely to have enough funds to engage with an outsourced marketing company to promote their products. 

Instagram offers an easy and cheap solution to launch your business in a limited timeframe. Since the competition is extremely high, read on for the 5 best ways to sell enamel pins through Instagram!

1.Did You Know That You Can Monetize Your Passion Through Instagram?

If you are enamel pins aficionado or maker, you are probably spending some of your savings and time on them.

Many manufacturers and artists have in fact started their business as a passion project. Given that you probably don’t have enough capital to pay for a full marketing campaign, Instagram can be a working solution.

If you are aware of the best tricks to monetize your project, you might be making money on your pins rather than spending them.

Instagram creates a community of users that have similar interests which can help you expand the visibility of your product. It is essential to start your own account and use it as a shop window for the public.

However, many first-time pin makers have reported being hesitant about using the platform. This is often because if you are not an influencer, the competition can be intimidating. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

2.Join and Learn From The #Pingame

3.Take Shots That Make Your Pins Stand Out!

4.Find an Alternative Niche That Makes Your Product Unique

5.Get the Price Right and Create Offers

Many creators’ ideas don’t become successful or profitable because the price failed to attract potential users. While you might truly believe in your art, if you are just launching your business, a high price will not be appealing to all buyers.

Design your pricing strategy in order to attract your target market. For high-end or luxury pins, your price will be higher, and it should reflect the quality.

With this strategy, you should expect a lower number of sales for a higher amount of money. Alternatively, you can set your pins in a lower bracket and appeal to more low-spending buyers.

While the pricing strategy to sell more enamel pins through Instagram is completely personal, offers are recommended.

Especially at the beginning of your business, offers and promotions can draw in the initial customers that can help you launch your idea. Selling bundles is also suggested.


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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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