Top Websites To Find Enamel Pins Designer

Written by Robin Brown on May 22, 2021
Don’t let a lack of design skills stop you from creating your enamel pins. The internet gives you access to professional designers that can help you create your enamel pins. Even better yet, freelancing websites make finding freelancers, paying freelancers, and holding freelancers accountable easier than ever. 

Below you’ll find the best websites you can use to find enamel pin designers. Let’s get started. 
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1. Upwork 

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Upwork is the largest and most popular freelancing website you can use. The benefit of Upwork is that you can post a job and allow interested and qualified participants to apply. 

On Upwork, thousands of qualified graphic designers can help you design your enamel pins. You can easily review any applicant’s qualifications, portfolio, and bid for your job. 

Using their website, you can interview, hire, and receive your designs in a safe and secure environment. In addition, Upwork will act as an intermediary holding your payment to the freelancer until both the freelancer and you agree that the job is finished. 

Upwork will protect you if deadlines are missed, unhappy with the final results, or a freelancer does not perform to their skills. In the event that you are unhappy, you can request a refund. 

2. Fiverr

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Fiverr is another popular freelancing platform that will allow you to find enamel pin designers. With Fiver, you can make finding a freelancer into your own hands. Rather than waiting for freelancers to apply to a job you post, you can search for freelancers that are offering enamel pin design or graphic design services directly. 

This will allow you to communicate directly with freelancers. In many cases, Freelancers already clearly have their prices and turn-around time clearly posted. This will allow you to gauge which designers are within your budget easily. 

One of the most popular areas of expertise of Fiver is graphic design; this means you should not have any issue finding a freelancer to help you design your enamel pins. 

3. Creative Market 

image source: creative market
Creative Market is not your traditional freelancing website. Instead, this website is primarily used by graphic designers to sell their finished products and designs. 

The benefit here is that you can easily find designers who specialize in enamel pin design. This is because you will be able to see a designer’s finished work that they have for sale. 

Once you find a designer you like, you can send them a private message to discuss the details of our design and if they are interested. 

When using Creative Market as a way to find a designer, you won’t receive the benefits of other freelancing websites such as Upwork and Fiver. They also provide a secure payment system to pay and receive your designs. 

4. PeoplePerHour 

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People Per Hour is a UK-based freelancing website that is geared towards software engineers and web developers. But if you are looking for graphic designers, there are plenty of graphic designers on PeoplePerHour. 

PeoplePerHour works very similar to other Freelancing websites such as Upwork and Fiver. Here you can post a specific job. Freelancers who are interested in the job will submit a proposal. 

You can use the freelancer’s profile, previous work, and submitted samples to choose the freelancers that best suits your needs.  

5. 99 Designs 

image source: 99 designs
99 Designs is a website that is specifically made for graphic designers. In most cases, when using 99 designs, you would create a contest where different designers would submit their designs to your contest. 

At the end of the contest, you would choose the design that you like the most. If you like multiple designs, you can choose multiple designs as winners. 

If you are looking to save some money, you can also message designers privately. This will allow you to personally select professional designers who match the style you are looking for. 

When looking at freelancers’ profiles, you will have access to their portfolio as well as their rating on 99 designs. You can use this information to help you decide which freelancers you want to design your enamel pins. 


Are you having a hard time designing your enamel pins? Don’t stress any longer. This list gives you everything you need to find a professional designer to help you design your enamel pins. 

Now, get out there and find a designer who can bring your enamel pins to life. 
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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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