Enamel Pins Marketing Strategy - Completed Guide

Written by Robin Brown on May 26, 2021
The marketing strategy of your enamel pin business is just as important as designing and creating the pins. Unfortunately, if your new to selling enamel pins developing a marketing strategy is overwhelming. 

Don’t stress. With the right steps creating a marketing strategy for your enamel pins should be easy. In this post, I will go over the different things you must consider when creating your marketing strategy for your enamel pins. 

Let’s get started. 

Marketing Budget 

Undestand Internet Trends

image source:https://www.cioandleader.com/
Understanding online trends will help you make an informed decision when choosing your marketing strategy. 

Understanding current online trends such as the growing presence of mobile devices, online streaming services, popular social media platforms, and growing online markets or untapped online customers. 

To take full advantage of internet trends, you need to understand your enamel pin niche and your customers. 

When choosing your marketing strategy, there are several key internet trends you should keep in mind: 
1.Mobile use and internet consumption is on the rise. As a result, any online content or advertising your pay for should be optimized for mobile consumption. 

2.People are moving away from their TV and streaming movies, sports, and TV shows more often than ever. Use this to your advantage by targeting streaming platforms such as Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, and other platforms. 

3.Always stay up to date on the latest social media trends and social media platforms. Take into consideration your customer base and what platform they are likely to use. For example, if your customer base is older, you might want to target platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest. On the other hand, if your customers are younger, you might want to target Tik Tok and Instagram platforms.

4.Internet is the future and present of marketing. Internet usage and internet users are rising at an alarming rate. You want to make sure that your marketing strategies are centered around the devices and platforms that people are using today and in the future. For example, according to Digital Information World, 4.2 billion people have an online presence, and 3.4 billion people are active on social media. 

5.Don't rely on paid advertisement; building organic awareness and leads will keep you relevant long term, especially as ad-blocking software is on the rise around the world. 

Voice Search 

image source:https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/
Voice search is growing, and you should include voice search optimization when planning your enamel pin marketing strategy. Voice searches are increasing and are a great marketing opportunity to improve your enamel pin business. 

According to reports, 50% of all searches are voice searches. Likewise, 58% of people used a search voice search to find out information about a local business. 

Studies show that mobile voice searches are more likely to be used for local searches. This is important if you want to increase your leads or sales locally. Targeting keywords in your region about enamel pins is a great way to improve our SEO.

For example, keywords such as enamel pins near me, custom enamel pins near me, or enamel pin store are common examples of voice search keywords you can use in your enamel pin marketing strategy. 

You can do this by targeting voice search keywords when selecting your marketing strategy. This includes creating original, search engine optimized content to drive voice search. An alternative is to use paid advertising to target voice-searched keywords. 

Voice search keywords tend to be framed in a question because people tend to speak more comfortably, similar to the way they would talk to a friend. In contrast, traditional searches tend to concise and straightforward. 

When creating voice search content, you want to create content centered around answering questions concisely and informatively. 

Mobile Marketing 

image source:https://www.flickr.com/photos/
There is no hiding the fact that smartphone usage and internet consumption are on the rise. Our smartphones are in our pockets all the time, and we use them for everything. 

When planning your enamel pin marketing strategy, you should include mobile marketing. 
There are some key mobile insights that you can use to take advantage of. For example, according to Comscore 20, 80% of people use their mobile devices to shop. In addition, nearly 96% of mobile search traffic is through google. 

These are key findings that you can use to your advantage. You want to make sure that any content, store, or advertisements you are running are optimized for mobile consumption. 

Mobile consumption is becoming more important than ever, and ensuring that your enamel pin marketing strategy is optimized for mobile is crucial. 

Improve Your Ecommerce Presence 

Keep your customerse Engaged. 

For your marketing strategy to be effective, you must keep your customers engaged and develop trust with your customers. 

Without these two aspects, your marketing strategies will not be as effective as they could. 

There are several things you can do to maintain your customer's attention: 

●Video content is more engaging. According to Insivia, people can remember up to 95% of information from a video while they only remember 10% of information from text. 

●Value your customers and only produce content that keeps them entertained and engaged. 

●Keep content concise, skimmable, and easy to read. 

●Send personalized emails that cater to specific segments of your audience. This will improve your click rate and conversion. For example, send unique emails to females who bought your enamel pins, people who bought custom enamel pins, and people who bought a particular style of enamel pins. This will help you target your customer's needs and keep them engaged. 

●Respond to your customers in a timely manner. This includes social media, eCommerce platforms, or your own website. Around 40% of people expect a response to a complaint in 60 minutes. Strive to meet these expectations to keep your customers happy. 

Read More:
Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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