Top 7 Enamel Pins Manufacturer In USA To Custom Your Pins

Written by Robin Brown on March 9, 2021
People love the United States because of the abundance of options. From food to clothes, the U.S always has countless options available.But how do you decide which manufacturer you should get your custom made pins from?You don’t have to be overwhelmed. In this post, we’ll go over the best places to buy custom made enamel pins in the U.S.Let’s get started.

1.  Pin Crafters

Pin Crafters have 30 years of experience in the pin-making industry. Yet, they do not rely on old methods; they continue to use the best techniques and equipment.

They provide high-quality pins with fast and friendly service every time.If you need custom enamel pins, you won’t be disappointed with Pin Crafters.

One of their unique services is that they are willing to create a design for you at no extra cost. Send them a sketch or your ideas, and they will make a design for you.

Most companies charge a hefty fee for this service but not at Pin Crafters.

To start, you can help but notice the fantastic deal you get with Pin Crafters. Most manufacturers charge an extra cost for the options Pin crafters gives complementary.

They also don’t fall short on customization options. Whatever you need, they’ve got you covered.
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2. Pin Source

Pin Source is another trusted company when it comes to custom enamel pins. They have over 30 years of experience and offer a money-back guarantee.
Not happy with the result, you don’t have to pay.

When it comes to customization, the options are endless. To start, they offer free design services. Their team will work with you to create a design from scratch if necessary.

Before you proceed, you should be aware that their ordering system is a bit dated. It is not the most fluid or fast ordering options. But they overcome this by providing helpful and prompt customer service.
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3. Wizard Pins

Wizard pins is a company all about making the process easier and faster while providing excellent customer service.
It starts with their easy to use ordering system. The system is designed as a click and select system that walks you through your options one at a time.

Unfortunately, you don’t choose the number of colors or plating options. These questions come after you have placed your order and have an extra cost.

If you are not familiar with enamel pins, you can also order a sample pack of their pin options. This will help you decide the combination of pin and customization options you want the most.
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4. Custom Lapel Pins

Custom Lapel Pins is a company with 30+ years of experience, but they haven’t fallen behind on the times. They offer state-of-the-art techniques and equipment for affordable prices.
They specialize in enamel pins, so you can be confident that you are getting the highest quality.

They offer free-design services to get you started. Don’t worry if you don’t have a design; they will work with you to get it done at no extra cost.

Custom Lapel Pins is one of the few companies that offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with your order, you can get your money back or request a full remake at no cost to you.
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5. Lapel Pin Superstore

With 15 years of experience and a 100% pin guarantee, you can’t go wrong with Lapel Pin Superstore.

The Lapel Pin Superstore has 17 years of experience and offers a 100% pin guarantee.They offer a wide selection of customization options with free delivery.

Just because they offer free shipping, don’t expect to wait very long. They offer a turnaround time of 10 and 14 days, which is on par with the industry’s best.

With the combination of exceptional customer service and value, you can’t go wrong. They offer free artwork and proofs even before you’ve placed your order.

They will work with you until you are satisfied with the final product.
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6.  Pin Depot

Pin Depot is all about customer service. They do their best to make sure that you have what you need to create the exact design you want.
They offer free artwork with unlimited revisions. Don’t worry about waiting too long for your order. They offer a turnaround in seven to ten days, completely free!

The one downside is that they have a MOQ of 100 pieces. If you need anything less than 100 pieces, then Pin Depot is not for you.

If you do need a larger order, you have a huge selection of pin types to customize. They also offer extensive customizations on each pin.

One of my favorite features is that they are transparent with their prices. Quickly get a gauge on the price for different pins for different sizes and quantities.

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7.  Vivipins


Don’t make finding custom enamel pins harder than it needs to be. This list is the answer. Choose a company off this list and bring your designs to life today.
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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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