12 Cute Enamel pins Display Idea For Your Pins Collection

Written by Robin Brown on April 25, 2021
Enamel pins are back in fashion. Whether you have a large or small collection, you’re going to need a safe and cute way to display your pins.Don’t settle for hiding your pins in a drawer or cabinet.This list covers the ten cutest display cases you can use to display your pin with flare and class.Let’s get started.

1.  Wall Hanging Pin Collection Display

This is a stylish and versatile way to display your pins. It comes in different colors, so you can customize it to match your room.

The fabric on the surface is an artificial leather with a glitter effect. This adds a stylish finish. It also has a lovely wood finish around the edges that adds a sleek and smooth feel.

This is a lively display case you can hang on your wall or desk to add some flare to your room.

2. PACMAXI Hanging Brooch Pin Organizer

The PacMaxi Hanging Pin Organizer is a great way to display your pins if you have a very large collection.

The organizer has a sleek fabric finish. It comes in multiple colors, so you can choose the color the best fits your needs.

If you want to go for the extra stylish option, you can use one of the lighter colors such as Pink, Purple, Peach, or Rose.

3. Enamel Pin Wall Display Banner

This Enamel pin wall display banner is simple and gets the job done.

Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it can’t be cute or stylish. Let your pin do the talking on this display banner.

You can also give it DYI look by adding your own text or paint. The plain look makes this banner versatile and customizable.

It comes in black and denim fabric if you want to add a little twist to your banner.

4. Knit Enamel Pin Display Bag

You can’t always buy the cutest display options. If you are up for a DIY project, then this is a perfect option for you.

This project is great because you can add your own twist by using unique colors. You can also position your pins in a way that’s attractive to make this bag even cuter.

Turn your pins into a stylish bag by placing them on an interior. I love this design because it’d adorable and it’s a great talking point.

Not to mention that you will have easy access to all your pins.

5. Polaroid Pin Frame

image source:liveitloveitmakeit.com
This is a DIY polaroid frame that you can complete in less than 10 minutes.
This will give you the classic and cute look of traditional polaroids.

You can use your pins to create small works of art on your polaroid frame.

This is great for hanging on your wall or sitting on your desk. You can also add your twist by using different colors or adding text around the border like a real polaroid.

6.  Pin Keepers Denim Jacket Camp Flag

image source:oxfordpennant.com
If you are looking for a classic and stylish way to display your pin’s you are in luck. This is a classic design with a denim base and a smooth yellow outline around it.

It has a large surface (18″ x 24″), which makes it perfect for people with larger pins or large collections.

You can easily pin your entire collection without having any issues.

7. Becosmic Studio Pin Badge Display

This Studio Pin Badge Display is sleek and elegant. The all-black design makes it perfect for any room or location.

With this pin, you can display your pins with class. It’s also effortless to add and remove pins when you need them.

8. Becosmic Studio Enamel Pin Wall Banner

This is a modern and elegant design. This wall banner is simple, but it gets the job done.

The wood finish at the top and bottom gives this banner a classy finish. It comes with three different wood finishes: natural, brown, and black.

This is a simple and elegant design that lets your pins do all the work. Use your pins to create a gorgeous banner without any distracting elements.

9. Lapel Pins Display Case Cabinet Wall

This is a classic and professional way you can display your pins. It comes with three different wood finish options: cherry, oak, and walnut.

It has a plexiglass cover and latches to lock the case closed. This display case is very modern and a great way to enhance the appearance of your pins.

10. Y&ME Shadow Box Frame

image source:pixabay.com
This is a vintage and classic shadow box frame. This display case is versatile; you can hang it up on your wall or set it on a flat surface.

The combination of the rustic shadow box and vibrant, modern enamel pins are a perfect match. Your pins will pop more than ever before.

11. Hobby Master Pin Collector’s Compact Display Case

This is a traditional pin case the delivers on class and style. It’s designed to be standing or lying on the floor.

It comes with three felt options: black, blue, and red.

This display case is perfect for carrying your pins on the road. It’s also great for storing premium and limited edition pins.

If you are looking for a traditional, durable, and high-quality display case, this is a perfect option.

12.Navaris Hexagon Felt Board Tiles

For a more modern approach to displaying your pins, these Hexagon felt board tiles are a great option.

They give you the versatility to add your own creative flair to create unique shapes and patterns.

With six tiles, you can hang them together or spread them out. Since it comes in three vibrant colors, they’ll add a nice pop to any room.


Don’t hide your pins inside a bag or pouch.

You should be displaying your pins proudly and sharing their beauty with the world. Now you have exactly what you need to choose the cutest display case on the market.

Don’t neglect your pins any longer. Buy one of the display options listed above and get pinning.
Read More:
Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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