Top 5 Factory Custom Pins Miami

Written by Robin Brown on September 17, 2021
Custom pins are something most of us want in Miami. For pin lovers, they represent something very personal and special. However, finding the top manufacturers of the pins was a difficult task.

Don't worry, I've scoured the market and found five of the best custom pin makers for you. Let's get started.


●Location: Miami
●Company type: manufacturers
●Year founded:1959

Awardstrophyworld is a Miami-based promotional customization company. From its inception until now, they have been one of the most famous local manufacturers of custom products. Many of their employees have been with the company for more than 15 years, and they have enough customization knowledge to answer any questions perfectly.

They take about 4-5 weeks to produce. They own three local stores and are close to most of their customers.

Their MOQ is 100 pieces. Of course, if your quantity requirement is not so large, you can directly communicate with your staff. However, no matter how much quantity, the mold opening fee is needed, so the total price difference between 100 pieces and 10 pieces will not be too big.

They also deal with other products such as:


●Location: Miami
●Company type: supplier

Leicastoremiami is a retail and wholesale manufacturer. They offer a wide variety of promotional gems. Not only do they offer off-the-shelf services, but they also offer bespoke services. However, there is not much information about the customization options on the web page, you can contact their staff to communicate the customization details.

If you have doubts about the quality of their customized products, you can look at their spot quality, and if you think the spot quality is very good, then you can fully trust the quality of their customized products. If you don't like the off-the-shelf quality, they may not be a good choice.

They also deal with other products such as:

3. All2impress

●Location: Miami
●Company type: supplier

All2impress is a manufacturer with multiple websites that serve customers in different cities. They are passionate about customization.

They give clear instructions on the price of each size of custom pins and the unit price of different quantities. If you have special requirements for custom pins, they also give a clear indication of the cost of the special options that can be customized. If you can accept their price, then you can contact the staff to confirm the design details. If you don't think the price is in your budget and you don't need to ask, you'll save time.

Their custom pins take about 12-14 working days to produce and 20-25 days to deliver.

They also deal with other products such as:
●Tote tags

4. Miamisupply

●Location: Miami
●Company type: manufacturers

Miamisupply is a Miami-based supplier that specializes in promotional items. Of course, they are not only a custom service, but they also provide a lot of stock products, but you can also choose to order directly.

Currently, due to the impact of COVID-19, all their orders are not refundable for everyone's health.

If you are interested in customization, you can contact their staff directly to communicate. If you don't know how their quality is, you can look at the quality of the finished product on their web page, which is generated by them, the quality difference is not too big.

If you don't want to pay for a sample, you can subscribe to their website and they will send samples and exclusive offers to a random selection of lucky subscribers.

They also deal with other products such as:
●Art prints

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Choose one of the above listed companies to consult for custom enamel pins to make your designs a reality.
Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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