Top 6 website to custom enamel pins Malaysia

Written by Robin Brown on April 8, 2021
Interested in ordering enamel pins with custom designs for any purpose or event like business branding, addressing events like non-profit work, fundraising, celebrating an organization, or just for a fashion sense?There are specific websites and companies located in Malaysia that deal with designing custom enamel pins.

We have listed 10 best custom enamel pin manufacturers in Malaysia that will fulfill your needs of wanting customized enamel pins.

1.  Labelkraf

Labelkraf is one of the prominent sites in Malaysia that offers enamel pins with a variety of customization options.From soft enamel to hard enamel and even printed epoxy, you can choose your own style.

● Printed epoxy works perfectly for complex designs containing small details
● Soft enamel boasts a textured finish that looks more lively
● Hard enamel has a glossier look and flat surface that works best for simple designs

The minimum order the website takes is 100 pieces per design, and the size is restricted to 30 millimeters.

This is a great platform for you to customize your own merchandise. You can expect quality products with timely delivery from Labelkraf.There are no hidden costs, and they offer the best customer service.
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2. is a custom enamel pin manufacturer in Malaysia that designs and delivers quality pins for businesses, organizations, and individual purposes.

They have minimum order criteria of 100 pieces per design.It is a complete online service where you will have to attach the artwork with the details about your custom pin.

They design and sell a variety of custom pins, including hard enamel, soft enamel, offset/digital print, metal keychains, and button badges.They make a variety of custom lapel pins/ collar pins that can be used for:

● Company brand
● Awareness
● Fashion
● Award
● Corporate purpose

To get an official quotation, include your artwork inside the email you send to You will get a reply within 2 working days.The artwork you send must be in any of the following formats:

● AI File

The size and dimensions of the pins they make vary based on the design.
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3. Gumtoo

Gumtoo is a popular platform for people in Malaysia where they can get their hands on customized enamel pins.They deal in custom epoxy pins, soft enamel pins, and hard enamel pins.

● Soft enamels are versatile because of the options available in terms of size and color
● Hard enamels are premium-looking pins that are high-quality and durable
● Epoxy pins are excellent for printing complex designs and provide a 3D effect

If you want high-quality, premium pins that are also very durable, Gumtoo is the one to look for.The site offers you a metal plating option where you can choose from silver plating, gold plating, black nickel plating, and dyed black plating to accessorize your custom enamel pin.

The minimum order quantity for enamel pins at Gumtoo is 100 pieces for identical pin design.You can create your custom enamel pin at Gumtoo in 3 simple steps:

● Select a pin type (soft enamel/ hard enamel/ epoxy pin)
● Choose the plating (gold/ silver/ black nickel/ dyed black)
● Choose the packaging

Even if you think that your design cannot be printed as an enamel pin, you can send your design to Gumtoo, and they will provide you advice on the design.
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4. Mark Angel

Mark Angel is a one-stop destination to fulfill your requirements of wanting custom enamel pins that are not just aesthetically appealing but of the highest quality as well.

Whether you are looking for promotional pins, well-designed collars, and lapel pins, or attractive election button badges, you will get the best solutions at Mark Angel.

● Button Badges: plastic base with a safety pin at the back
● Lapel Pins: steel/ magnetic back
● Collar Pins: brass/ stainless steel
● Election Badges: plastic base with a safety pin at the back

Lapel pins and collar pins have custom sizes and shapes.

Button badges come in the following sizes:
● 35mm
● 45mm
● 55mm
● 75mm

Election badges come in the following sizes:
● 35mm
● 45mm
● 55mm
● 75mm

You can choose from the catalog they have or recommend the shape and size you want, and they will provide you with your desired custom enamel pin.

They take a minimum order of 50 pins.
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5. is an online collar pin supplier in Malaysia that deals in a variety of enamel collar pins for individuals, businesses, and organizations.

They have been in the industry for the last 30 years.They boast a team of experienced professionals who will assist you with customizing your enamel collar pin.

You get everything you need from custom enamel pins to pin badges, lapel pins, tagpins, collar pins, and collar badges.And the best part is that whether you are ordering custom pins as an individual or a business, there are no minimum order criteria.

They have a unique way of processing:

● Free custom collar pin designs
● No minimum orders required
● Incredibly fast WhatsApp support

You can choose any number you want based on your requirements, and they will even help you with free customization.
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6.  Vivipins


This is everything you need to find a reliable custom enamel pins manufacturer in Malaysia. Visit the websites and choose based on your requirements.
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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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