Top 8 Websites To Custom Challenge Coins in UK

Written by Robin Brown on February 7, 2021
Are you spending all day comparing challenge pin manufacturers? With the countless options on the market, finding the right one is time-consuming.Don’t waste any more time looking for the best challenge pin producer. In this post, we will review the seven best places to buy custom challenge pins.

1. Coins For Anything

Coins for Anything aims to offer the highest quality with the widest product variety. They offer extensive customization options that include multiples plating, border, and finishing options.

They have an easy to use online ordering system. They help take the complication out of making decisions. Giving you the option to choose the type of logo you will be using.

With MOQ, they will help you regardless of your order size. They do recommend you order at least 25 pieces for better pricing options. If you’re looking for highly customizable challenge pins in the UK, then this place is for you.
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2. Aspinline

Aspinline is a company that offers a large selection of customizable products. They pride themselves on quality products and fast production times.

One of their customized products includes challenge pins. To place an order, they require an MOQ of 50.They have a simple, step-by-step ordering process making it easy to place an order. Aspinline also offers fast delivery times.

They guarantee delivery within 2-3 weeks. If you need faster delivery, they offer rush shipping.

They also reward repeat customers with a discount. So if you are looking for quick and affordable challenge pins, this is a great option.
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3. World Challenge Coins

World Challenge Coins labels itself as the leader of the UK’s coin and medal industry. Founded in 2012, it has established itself as a reliable and credible producer.

Their website and ordering system are easy to navigate and place orders.They have a wide selection of customizable pins, with their prices listed on the front page. Complete transparency helps you stay within budget.

They don’t have an MOQ, which means they will help you no matter how small or large your order is.

To place an order, you must place a quote. This system is outdated compared to the competition, which is a major downside.
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4. Challenge Coins UK

Challenge Coins UK was founded in 2017 but has established a credible reputation in a short time. With British military experience and bring their discipline and excellence to their coins.

They offer moderate customization options compared to the competition. The benefit is that they do not have an MOQ. If you have small orders in the UK this might be the place for you.

Their ordering is easy, but you will not know the price or turnaround time until they respond. This can take up to two business days at times.
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5. Prowler

Prowler follows a simple motto: customer satisfaction, speed, reliability, and quality. Their website may appear outdated, but their quality and service are not.

They have extensive customization options. With an MOQ of 100, this is better for larger orders. Contact them, and they are willing to work with their MOQ.

One of the best features is their 100% money-back guarantee; if you are not satisfied, you don’t pay. You can order customized challenge pins with no risk to you.
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6.  Made by Cooper

Made by Copper is a printing company that strives to make ordering custom pins as easy as possible.

They have an easy three-step process:
1.Approve the price
2.Approve the design
3.Receive your Pins

They have extensive customization options which separate them from some of the competition. These are all visible when you fill out the order form, which is very detailed but straightforward.

Shipping speeds are slower than the competition. With standard shipping for 4-5 weeks and expedited shipping of 2-3 weeks.
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7.  The Challenge Coin Junction

Challenge Coin Junction specializes in challenge coins ensuring only quality pins.

They have extensive customization options. They will do their best to meet your exact needs: size, type of pin, finish, and color. You tell them what you want, and they will make it happen.

If you do not have a design, don’t worry. Whether you have concrete designs or ideas in your head, they will work with you to achieve the design you want.

They will make a custom design for you, completely free.

There are two downsides to ordering. First, they have an MOQ of 100 coins. They also do not provide any guaranteed shipping speeds until after you have placed a quote.
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Don’t spend all day comparing challenge pin manufacturers. Here you have everything you need to make an educated decision. Not visit one of the websites on this list and bring your challenge pins to reality.
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Article written by Robin Brown
Robin Brown is part of the content team at Vivipins where he develops resources to help customers start and grow their own businesses.
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