Custom commemorative coins

Are you looking for ways to make an event more memorable? Custom commemorative coins are a great way to enhance your next event. We offer a vast range of customizations allowing you to create any designs and match your coins to any occasion you can think of. From sporting events, weddings to birthday parties, and more, We’ve got you covered. We offer no minimum order, high-quality coins, fast shipping, and wholesale pricing. Easy, affordable, and worth it to commemorate your next event with custom coins. Start bringing your ideas to life. 

Custom commemorative coins

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commemorative coins

Why Commemorative Coins?

Custom firefighter challenge coins are a great way to reward members who are completing training and performing at a high level. These coins will make firefighters feel appreciate. It also creates a sense of competition which encourages firefighters to work harder and enjoy their job, knowing that their hard work doesn’t go unappreciated. 
Elevate your event with custom commemorative coins. 
Reward guests for attending the event. 
Make the guest feel appreciated and valued by giving out commemorative coins. 
Commemorative coins will act as a memento that guests can use to show they were at an event. 
Commemorative coins will help guests remember and cherish the memories long after the event has ended.  

How We Works?

How coin works 1
Submit an order
How coin works 2
Approve the proof
How coin works 3
Receive your product

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fast turnaround time, easy ordering, no minimum, best prices



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Vivipins was exactly the service we needed for a quick turnaround before an event. The 30 minimum was a perfect fit and the affordable rates made this a no brainer decision to go with Vivipins. The whole process took less the 5 min.“

Customer Reviews

Overall good experience - some delays with shipping ... Item quality was very good. I am a repeat customer.

Customer Reviews

Understanding and easy to work with! Quick response times and I'm very happy with the quality of the products I received!

Customer Reviews

Memorialize Events with Custom Commemorative Coins

Memorialize event with custom commemorative coins. These coins will allow you to customize them to fit any occasion, whether weddings, graduations, or parties. Now you can make sure that those important events aren’t forgotten but remembered. We offer a vast range of customizations allowing you to create coins with any design, shape, or color. Need your pins fast, we offer some of the fastest shipping in the industry and no minimum orders. Custom commemorative coins can be used in many different situations. They are perfect for making an event memorable and ensuring that people have something to cherish from a special event. You can use commemorative pins for team events, business gatherings, award ceremonies, birthday parties, weddings, or any other event you can think of. Guests and people who receive a commemorative coin will have something to remember the event by, and they will also feel valued and appreciated. Don’t feel limited by any shapes or designs. Our coins are high quality and produced with great detail. We can meet any color, shape, or design needs you want, making it easy to customize your coins for any event that you need. Also, don’t worry about these coins breaking and wasting your money on a cheap gift. These coins are made from 

Custom commemorative coins

Pick your options, share the artwork of your Custom commemorative coins,
and we’ll get you a mockup within 12 hours.

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